Black Clover Chapter 319 Spoilers, Raw Scans
It’s time for Black Clover Chapter 319 Spoilers, Raws.
The “Grand” villain of the Spade Kingdom arc is finally here. Lucifero is here, and things are not looking good (for now).
What about Yuno? Won’t he help Asta and save Yami/William?
With this, let’s look into Black Clover Chapter 319 Spoilers, Raw Scans (if available).
Chapter 319 Predictions
Who doesn’t like Predictions?
Predictions are the only “life support” for us spoiler hungry fans before official Spoilers come out.
Though they are mostly WAY all over the place, isn’t it still intriguing to read them? (I think it is!)
Well, how can I not mention Chapter 318 ending?
I got the same feeling from the panel as I got while watching the “gathering scene” in Avengers Endgame.
Like how all the Heroes assemble for the last battle.
Tabata did a great job in designing Lucifero. I mean look at this guy? He can crush people just by looking that them!

Coming back to the predictions:
I have a strong feeling that Yuno will join the battle while Asta rests.
Anyways Asta only has four minutes until Devil Union deflates.
But, I’m very much concerned about the other Devil. He hasn’t revealed any moves, but I can already feel his power.
The other Devil (whatever his name is) will most probably go towards Yami or William while the Captains are busy fighting Lucifero.
Maybe then Asta will use his ability? I hope so!
I read somewhere in community forums that Liebe may lose control and reveal a more powerful form only to defeat Lucifero. And, here’s my theory:
Lucifero crushes the Captains ➜ Lucifero/the other Devil tries to kill the Captains and Yuno ➜ Asta/Liebe loses their temper and unleash a form more powerful than Lucifero.
Yeah, I did a Naruto here. And, I won’t be surprised if this happens later.
That’s all the predictions I have for now.
Do you have any other Prediction? What is it?
I’ll be happy to read your comment!
Until then!!
Black Clover Chapter 319 Spoilers
Okay, Chapter 319 are finally out:
- Chapter 319 title: “Great Magic Knights vs Devil King.”
- Mereoleona & Jack vs Lucifero.
- Lucifero isn’t fazed by their attack.
- Lucifero lands a strong hit on Nozel.
- Lucifero also crushes Fuegoleon and also his Spirit.
- Dorothy tries to attack with Dream Magic.
- On the other hand Charlotte tries to subdue Lucifero with her vines.
- Lucifero replies to all the attacks with: “Pointless.”
- Charlotte accepts that the Captains won’t be able to stand against Lucifero without Rill’s magic.
- The Captains stand up again for an another round of attack.
- Chapter ends with Asta trying to attack Lucifero from behind.
Black Clover Chapter 319 Raws
Black Clover Spoilers are always WAY ahead of the official release (good for us manga readers).
It’s funny because Chapter 318 is still not officially available and I’m talking about Chapter 319 Spoilers.
Black Clover is on break (like most shonen jump manga) and will return after the holidays are over.
I’m on a continuous lookout for any updates, and will update this section as soon as the Spoilers come out.
Stay Tuned!!