Will Aharen End-Up With Raidou? Are They In Relationship?
Will Aharen end-up with Raidou? The burning question we all weebs want to learn about! Aharen is Indecipherable is a new addition to the slice-of-life genre, and it’s receiving positive reception not just because of its simple storyline, but also because of how blunt the mangaka is!
Hence, today I’ll talk about whether Aharen and Raidou are already in a relationship and can there be any problem in the future. I’ll also mention the event chapters so that you can read it if you like!!
They Are Made For Each Other!
There’s not doubt that Aharen and Raidou are made for each other. They have been together since the very beginning of the manga. Their seats were also tested by fate, and yet they sit side-by-side.
Not just that, Raidou is probably the only person who can listen and understand her words. That alone makes him the “special one.”

Aharen too is only comfortable with Raidou. They sit together, eat together, go home together. Even got to camping and stuff together. And provided that they still have few years to think about the future, both of them are doing pretty good!
Raidou is an overthinker and she always proves him wrong. It’s a subtle aspect of how Raidou can heal himself from this attitude!
If you haven’t noticed, Raidou is the only guy with whom Aharen is comfortable with, even on physical level (holding him tightly while going home, etc,.).
Does Aharen Really Like Raido?
I know you’re here after watching the anime. Yes, Aharen really likes Raidou and didn’t just blabber her thoughts that night. She ended up crying because she was overwhelmed by all the thoughts. She talks about it in Chapter 64.

The above image says everything about the event that happened that night. I don’t know whether we’ll get this animated in this season, but in the later chapters we will come to know what exactly did Raidou said her…
Will Raidou Accept Aharen?
I never expected the anime to reveal Aharen’s feelings so early. Well, now that we know she likes Raidou, the next question that arises is that whether Raidou will accept her?
I have a good news for you! Aharen confessed her feelings in Chapter 54, and exactly after ten chapters, in Chapter 64 Raidou tells Oshiro that he too likes Aharen.

I like that the manga is straightforward and doesn’t chew words. The manga has reached way ahead of the confession and nothing has changed between them.
Will There Be Any Love-Triangle?
As I mentioned before, Aharen and Raidou are made for each other. Raidou is probably the only guy she talks to other than her little brother and dad. And we haven’t seen her dad yet!
So, I don’t see any possibility of a love-triangle! Their bonding with each other is way stronger than most people can assume. Both Aharen and Raido have a bond they cannot break even if they want to.
On top of that, they have friends who are always there to protect them. And if you insist, the only person who “can” have some inclination towards her is Oshiro, though I don’t think is a romantic way! She only cares for her and doesn’t want Aharen to get hurt.
Yeah, we have some new characters, but everything is just fine!!
What’s your view on this?
Conclusion & Way Forward
In conclusion, like many other manga (Rent a Girlfriend) where the protagonist is taking months if not years to just initiate a talk, this series has done it within few chapters. Kudos to the mangaka that he didn’t hesitate to keep their feelings as a churning material!
And see how great the manga is performing! Guess milking a series is not the only way to win over fans..