One Piece Smoker
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Top 10 One Piece Strongest Vice-Admirals List

One Piece is basically the continuous battle between the Navy and Pirates. When there are strong pirates, there surely will be strong Navy.

Hence, in this post I’ll list the Top 10 Strongest Vice-Admirals in One Piece. I’ve also included the past Vice-Admirals because they deserve their name in this list…

Present Vice-Admirals List:

Top 10 Strongest Vice-Admirals at present:

(10) Chaton

Chaton is the least mentioned Vice Admiral in One Piece. Nothing is known about his past and how strong he is. Does that mean he is weak? No, Chaton is strong enough that he could have been the next Admiral. But In the end he wasn’t elected.

Chaton One Piece

If you have any information about him, please do comment and I’ll update this section…

(9) Maynard

Maynard has only appeared few times in One Piece, but in short span of few episodes/chapters he has made a name for himself as a strong Vice Admiral. Keeping aside his individual strength, Maynard has also control over a large number of subordinates.

Maynard One Piece

His fight against Gambia is considered to be the gauging scale of his strength. Considering how strong is Gambia, after the fight was over Maynard’s hand was blood-red. A symbol of overwhelming strength and raw power.

(8) Onigumo

You see those creepy hands down in the image? Yeah, those hands make Onigumo a strong and able Vice Admiral. His Devil Fruit powers provide him the ability to have spider hands. But those hands are not the only reason why Onigumo has become a Vice Admiral.

Onigumo One Piece

Just like a spider, Onigumo is great at stealth. That’s how he captured Marco and quickly fastened his wrist with seastone. We haven’t seen him after the Marineford Arc, and I’m sure he’ll appear (even stronger) in the final battle.

(7) Jaguar D. Saul

It seems the Navy does not like the inital “D.” Jaguar D. Saul is not alive anymore but his legacy lives inside Robin. It’s because of him that Robin is alive today. He sacrificed his life trying to save Robin from the Navy. Saul’s strength lied in his size. He was a giant who was powerful enough to crush ships with bare hands.

Jaguar D. Saul One Piece
Jaguar D. Saul

Unfortunately nothing more is known about him because he was only shown in Robin’s story. I wonder how he would react to Luffy’s domination if he was alive today!

(6) Momonga

Momonga is an almost forgotten character in One Piece. Though he has appeared on several occasions for some reason One Piece don’t seem to recall him. His nature is almost similar to how he looks. Brutal & Dedicated.

Momonga One Piece

What makes Momonga a strong Vice Admiral is not just his insane physical prowess, but his tolerance to pain and quick thinking. He caused a self-inflicting injury to suppress Boa Hancock’s Devil Fruit ability that turned his entire crew into Sea Stone.

(5) Smoker

Smoker is not just a powerful Vice Admiral, but also one of the few Marines who is loved by OP community. From the beginning of the series Smoker has played vital role in pursuing Luffy and sometimes siding with the Pirates…

One Piece Smoker

Why is Smoker loved? The first reason is his facial resemblance with Zoro. And the second reason is his chad style of smoking two cigars at once.

(4) Momousagi

No much is known about Momousagi’s full strength, but according to the manga she is powerful enough to become the next Admiral. If I’m not wrong, she could have been the only female to become the next Navy Admiral.

Momousagi One Piece

I was reading a community post where it said that she’ll be reintroduced in the story pretty soon. I hope we can see how powerful Gion really is.

(3) Vergo

It might seem that Vergo doesn’t deserve to be in this list, but it isn’t like that! Vergo has been insanely powerful since childhood! And if you can recall correctly, he not only defeated Law twice, but also Tashigi and her entire team. In addition to all that, he also beat Smoker while not even using his full strength.

Vergo One Piece

Law’s toughest enemy till now is Big Mom, and if there’s a second, it’s none other than Vergo…

(2) Tsuru

Tsuru might look like an old hag but she hasn’t lost her touch! Unlike other Vice Admirals above, Tsuru doesn’t particularly excel in physical toughness, but her Devil Fruit power makes it almost impossible for her enemies to escape.

Wash Wash Fruit One Piece

As you can see in the above image, Tsuru is a walking “Human Washing Machine” if you can put it that way. Her enemies are completely helpless and have no option but to hang like a wet towel…

(1) Monkey D. Garp

According to past chapters and speculations, Garp is supposed to be the strongest Marine ever. He intentionally chose to stay as a Vice Admiral because he hated the World Government and didn’t want to follow their orders.

One Piece Garp

He and Roger defeated the Rocks Pirates who were the strongest Pirates at that time. Heck, Garp is strong as hell even as an old man. Wonder how powerful he was in his prime!

Past Vice-Admirals

(3) Kuzan

I would say that among the three past Vice Admirals, Kuzan is the most “humane” one! Unlike Akainu, he never took any decision on a whim. Kuzan is more calculated and knows when to join hands with his enemies.

Aokiji (One Piece)

What made him one of the strongest Vice Admirals is his insane control of ice. Kuzan can literally turn a sea into thick layers of ice. In fact his favorite way of transport on water is his cycle…Search a little more and you’ll know.

(2) Sakazuki

On top of being one of the strongest Marine, Sakazuki, as a Vice Admiral was also a brutal leader. He does not hesitate to kill his subordinates if he “thinks” they are not worthy enough! Anyways, his brutality did work out and he became the next Navy Admiral.

One Piece Akainu

As a Vice Admiral Akainu completed a lot of missions that pushed his name towards to top of all the Marines.

(1) Borsalino

I feel Borsalino is far stronger than Sakazuki. The reason is his speed. Borsalino is the fastest character in the series. Dude can literally travel at the speed of light! Sakazuki on the other hand is relatively slow and his attacks require physical touch!

Kizaru (Borsalino) One Piece

Then why did Akainu became the next Navy Admiral and not Borsalino? Most probably because he killed Ace and impressed the World Government! Of course, there are other factors as well, but Ace is the primary reason!

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