Dr Stone Hyoga
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Dr. Stone Season 2 Episode 11 Release Date & Time

With only one episode left, we have already reached the end of Season 2. What started as a simple Skirmish with no casualties has quickly transformed into something really serious. After We thought that The Science Kingdom won after Tsukasa decided to call it a truce and discover her bed-ridden sister. But, it seems Hyoga had completely different plans and planned to finish off. But, when Muscle and Science make a “Tag Team,” it becomes very hard to defeat them, and that’s exactly what happened.

Episode Discussion

The Best Tag Team

Well, it seems our speculation was spot-on. Hyoga was already planning to betray Tsukasa and was only finding the perfect situation for show his true colors.

But, Episode 10 has something more subtle that we missed. Though Senku is infamous for his straightforward nature, he is also a hidden diplomat like Gen. By saving Tsukasa’s younger sister, Senku has made himself a friend that will never betray him again.

On the other hand, Homura has destroyed the cave from where Senku got Nitric Acid.

Season 2 was shorter than Season by 1 episode, and only if this was a 24 episode Season, we could have learned the next steps Senku will take to counter his gap.

Release Date

Dr. Stone Season 2 Episode 10 will release on Thursday, March 25, at 5:30 AM (PDT). Though the Kingdom of Science won, we get to see Hyoga’s hidden hatred towards Tsukasa’s decisions. The name of next episode is “Prologue of Dr. Stone.”

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