Black Clover Chapter 324 Spoilers, Raw Scans
Get hyped for Black Clover Chapter 324 Spoilers, Raw Scans.
I’ll call his “Peak Clover” rather than “Black Clover.” Why?
I think this is the peak of the series. Both Captain and Vice-Captain of the Black Bulls fighting together to save Humanity?
I’m all in for it!!
Let’s not wait, and dive deep into Chapter 324 Spoilers, Raw Scans (if available).
Black Clover Chapter 324 Predictions
Believe me or not…I had too little patience after Chapter 323. Hence, I started searching for any prediction.
And OMG, the predictions are all over the place! Some are saying that William is already dead after handing Yami the sword.
And some are arguing that in this battle either Yami or Nacht will die.. Hard to understand why they want to kill our boy.
But, there were also some really nice prediction…Like how Asta and Yuno will join the battle against the other Devil. No, I’m not talking about Lucifero. That dude is only for Yami and Nacht.

Asta is severely injured though. Wonder how he’ll fight with that body!
Everything is coming together now. Yami and Nacht will fight Lucifero, the other Captains will most probably fight the other Devil. And the final battle will be Everyone vs Lucifero.
Does that mean we are slowly approaching the end of Black Clover? I hope so not!
My Hero Academia is already entering its final battle against the Villains, and if Black Clover too enters Final Arc, I will have no words to explain my sadness.
Coming back to other characters. What did Sekke do in this War? In the past chapters we saw him getting impression from Asta. I hope he does at least something…
That’s all from my side.
Which Prediction do you think is best suited?
The one where someone will die or something entirely unique.
Do let me know!!
I’ll be back again with Spoilers …
Chapter 324 Spoilers
- Chapter 324 title: Kid’s playground
- Chapter begins with Zora and Lucifero punching each other hand.
- Lucifero seems to be annoyed after seeing a grimore.
- Nacht and Yami launch their counterattack.
- Yami and Nacht combine their magic and unleash a new spell, Shadow Magic x Dark Magic: Kid’s playground.
- We get to see Nacht’s other Union form, Canis x Felis.
- Yami lands a hit and makes Lucifero bleed a little.
- Lucifero finally realizes that humans have the potential to beat him.
- Lucifero finally takes things seriously and uses his full power of his 50% manifestation.
- Chapter ends with Yami, Nacht, Yuno and Asta teaming up to fight Lucifero.
I know you’re excited to take a dive into Chapter 324 Spoilers.
For that you’ll have a wait a bit longer since chapter 323 spoilers just came out.
But, don’t worry! I’ll update the spoilers as soon as something is available…