Black Clover Chapter 301 Spoilers, Raw Scans
Black Clover manga is at its peak. Though the Chapters are extremely short, the last one of was probably less than 10 pages, it’s exciting to wait even for those handful ones.
It’s easy to describe the ongoing war between the Clover & Heart Kingdom and Spade Kingdom. All these heavily trained Knights are trying to bring down these Three Dark Triads. Among the three, one is down for sure, but, the present one is a little bit more persistent than Lucifero.
After Noelle’s repeated powerful hits, Vanica has finally coughed-up the real Devil living within her. If Dante’s Devil, Lucifero, wasn’t terrifying enough, then it’s sure is Megicula.

What sets aside Megicula from Lucifero is the intelligently way of taking a physical manifestation in Human Realm. We can easily say that Vanica was used only for Megicula’s convenience.
Well, now that the one-sided battle between Megicula the others have reached close to its conclusion, our Hero has made his appearance. Asta has finally returned, and now Megicula should be really worried! Why? It’s because as Nacht said before, Devil’s hate Anti-Magic.
Let’s see what Black Clover Chapter 301 Spoilers have for us!
Chapter 300 Recap
Gaja’s final attack was powerful enough to vaporize any powerful Knight in existence. But, it’s not a Knight he was facing this time. It’s the most powerful Devil Humans might have ever seen.
And, it’s a rule of thumb in Anime and Manga. When a character uses a final attack, it’s over. There is only 1% chance of survival. And, for now, Gaja also seems to follow the same path.
We see Gaja’s body in dire state. Whether he is dead or alive is not sure yet, but, I’ve a feeling he will survive somehow, but, lose all his powers. Asta’s entrance has proven this to become true even more.
Next, we see that there is no one else other than Noelle to stand against Megicula. Megicula is an otherworldly being, on top of that one of the most powerful Devil in existence. Her regeneration technique was fast enough to counter Gaja’s attack.

Now that Megicula has finally pinned down almost everyone, it’s time that she executes her final step. Finishing off Lolopechika and manifesting in the Human Realm for real now. But, she still has to face Noelle.
While Megicula simply ignores Noelle and tries to explode Lolopechika, a short guy with Anti-Magic appears and cancels it. Yes, I’m trying to be over-dramatic here, and it’s the best I can do to convert that particular manga panel into words.
Seeing Asta after so long, and that too in this life & death situation, Noelle couldn’t hold her tears. That’s how the chapter ends.
Chapter 301 Predictions
Chapter 300 ending was so narrow-headed that it’s more than obvious what’s going to happen. But, Tabata is famous for his mind-bending revelation and proving speculations and predictions wrong every time.
This time too, I have a feeling that he will not simply starting fighting head-on against Megicula, rather he will try to save Gaja. And, here, I think we will learn whether Gaja is alive or not.
Now that Lolopechika has been saved from dying, I also have a feeling that Megicula will direct her to fight against Asta. Whether Asta’s sword will absorb Lolopechika’s magic is still unknown because I don’t remember seen him trying to absorb the curse with his sword.

Nowadays we see that the chapters are shorter. One of the previous chapter was only 9 pages, so, I won’t be surprised if Chapter 301 ends with Asta getting ready to fight Megicula with Megicula accepting his anti-magic power as a “Real Problem.”
What’s confusing me while writing all these predictions is that in the past I have wrote many speculations and predictions, and till now my score is a solid 50%. So, this time too, all these predictions have to be taken with not a “grain of salt,” but, “a damn salt boulder.”
Spoilers are finally out, and we have welcoming surprise that fans were waiting for:
- Chapter 301 title: That Feeling/Affection
- Chapter begins with Asta serious expression.
- Rill’s Twilight of Valhalla’s effect is to increase the magic power of his friends.
- Rill says that any damage sustained in “Twilight of Valhalla” won’t kill them.
- Charlotte with this increased magic power lifts the curse on both of them.
- Asta “delivers” Lolopechika to Noelle & entrusts everything to her.
- Asta and Undine interacts for some time.
- Asta admits he can’t do much anymore and leaves the rest to Noelle.
- Vanica seems to be still alive since Megicula says that to fully manifest in Human Realm both Vanica and Lolopechika needs to die.
- Megicula uses 100 disciples to fight as living dead.
- Noelle starts to realize her feelings for Asta and confesses to herself.
- Noelle: “I Like Asta!”
- Chapter ends with Noelle activating Saint stage magic.
Chapter 300 was just released officially. Hence, we have to wait considerable amount of time before any new updates come about Chapter 301 Spoilers.
But the thing is, Chapter 301 will release after a week long break. The reason? Olympics! Not only Black Clover, but, many other manga like One Piece will go on a break for a week because of the once-in-a-lifetime event.
So, for the time-being, we’ll have to keep ourselves entertained through fan-made speculations & predictions.
Also, don’t worry. If I get any information about spoilers, this page will be immediately updated with the latest info.
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