My Hero Academia Bakugo & Deku
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My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 6 Release Date,Time & Discussion

After a tumultuous year, the new season of Boku No Hero Academia has finally started airing. The previous season aired in 2019, and thanks to the still-ongoing pandemic, we didn’t receive any new season. But now that a new season is here, it’s time to enjoy Hero vs Villain, or sometimes even Hero vs Hero.

From what we are seeing from the very beginning episode, Season 5 will mostly cover a friendly match between Team-A and Team-B. The first match has already been completed and things are getting heated up. With this, let’s look into Episode 6 Release Date, Time & Discussion.

Episode Recap

Tokoyami’s Resolve

It seems the “Dark Shadow” has finally got a formidable opponent. If someone asks about Tokoyami’s favorite color, it’s Black for sure. But, what will happen if he faces an opponent who itself is Black?

Before the match started Kuroiro proclaimed to Tokoyami that they have a connection. But, we understood what type of connection he was talking about. While Team-A was getting worked-up by Kuroiro’s presence, Team-B was just waiting for the sweet-spot.

Kurouri’s primary target was Tokoyami and he did everything he could to capture him. But, most of the time he failed.

In the midst of the battle we see Tokoyami recall his internship days with Hawks, and how Hawks helped him unlock his potential. Kuroiro’s technique forced Tokoyami to unleash his new technique “Black Fallen Angel” which helped him to fly.

In the midst of all this mayhem, Aoyama was caught by Kuroiro, but Tokoyami saved him.

Episode ends with Mushrooms appearing everywhere and on Team-A members as a signal of Komori’s quirk activation.

Release Date

My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 6 will release on Saturday, May 1st at 01:30 (PDT).

The next episode will cover the second phase of the ongoing match between Team-A and Team-B. For now Team-A is leading, but the preview of Episode 6 shows a completely different story.

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