One Piece Roger
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One Piece Episode 968 Release Date & Time

The reason why Roger requested Oden to join his company will be more clear in episode 968 then it has ever been. Oden is the only guy who can read what’s written on a poneglyph and that’s the only thing stopping Roger from becoming a Pirate King. Episode 967 was a wholesome episode where we saw various characters when they were kid. After reaching “Water Seven” we saw Franky when he was a kid and many others. The preview of episode 968 shows the reason behind all this “wholesomeness.” With this, let’s look into One Piece Episode 968 Release Date, Time and some Discussion.

Episode Discussion

Old Memories

In episode 967, Roger and his crew were on a journey spree. And that fills us with nostalgia. Roger’s visit into the Fishman Island, “Sky Island” and “Water Seven” threw in front of us the past episodes of One Piece when Luffy was yet to become as badass as he is at present.

If you can recall correctly, when Luffy and crew reached “Sky Island” they found out a poneglyph and in it, they found a note written by Roger. In episode 967, we get to see the moment this happened.

Though there is not much to explain about this episodes, it’s sure that things will change from episode 968 and will probably enter into more serious territory.

Release Date

One Piece Episode 968 will Release on Saturday, April 3 at 4:30 PM (PDT). Episode 968 will probably be the last time we see Gold Roger and company. The preview was pretty much evident that the long journey is coming to end.

On the other hand, Oden will also return to Wano to find out what Orochi has done under his nose. Well, we can’t complain after watching all the Gold Roger and White-Beard action.

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