My Hero Academia Chapter 347 Spoilers, Raw Scans
It’s time for My Hero Academia Chapter 347 Spoilers, Raw Scans…
Things are not looking very good for the Heroes. The War is ON, but, it seems the Villains have prepared themselves for the last push!
On top of all this mayhem, Deku is nowhere to be found!
How will the Heroes corner the Villains?
Let’s know this from MHA Chapter 347 Spoilers, Raw Scan (if available).
Chapter 347 Predictions
Chapter 346 ending doesn’t give a good hint for the Heroes. Have the Heroes miscalculated their moves?
I guess so!
The Heroes have just entered the battle and Mirko is in trouble!
Shigaraki attacked her with his quirk. Now, the question is whether she stopped his attack at the right time?
If not, then we might lose Mirko too after Midnight!
What’s more surprising to see is Shigaraki’s hatred towards the Heroes. Dude isn’t even Human anymore.
Coming back to the prediction: I’m pretty sure Chapter 347 will start from where the previous chapter ended.
Or we might just get a look at some other Heroes and their battle…

Deku is nowhere to be found, but, as we know he’s somewhere else facing Toga. Toga’s quirk in combination with Twice’s quirk is a trouble!
I don’t know whether she can also copy the quirks too, like Monoma! And if she tries to copy OFA, she might just turn into meatloaf!
And where’s is AFO? He better not be with Toga, or worse trying to kill All Might!
Well, that’s all from my side!
Meet you again when the Spoilers are out.
MHA 347 Spoilers
The Spoilers are out, and we have finally learned where Deku is:
- Chapter 347 title: “Inflation.”
- Chapter begins with the Heroes asking Monoma if someting was wrong with Erasure because of the hands that started coming out of Shigaraki? To which he says, No!
- Shigaraki is still unable to use quirks and he himself explains that it is just a growth of his body.
- He says that this is the future that awaits superhuman society and that the heroes don’t understand the real implications of all this.
- Unfortunately Mirko’s mechanical arm and leg are broken, but she shouts, “Spares!” and immediately a compartment comes out of the ground.
- Monoma assures Aizawa that he hasn’t failed and continues to erase Shigaraki. Aizawa on the other is confident, but worried.
- WE see that Mandalay is also there and she says that Deku has contacted her through telepathy quirk.
- She finally reveals Deku location. She says that Toga has teleported Deku to Okuto Island.
- Just as he is about to ask Monoma to open a portal, we hear a scream and the communication is cut off.
- Aizawa is thinking about the limitations of Monoma’s quirk! He can’t copy and use two quirks simultaneously. So to open a portal he would have to turn off the erasure for at least 10 seconds.
- Aizawa then contacts Midoriya again and asks him to get to U.A. on his own.
- Meanwhile they will try to beat Shigaraki even without the help of OFA.
- Then we move on to Okuto Island, which is about 200 Kms off the coast of the Pacific Ocean.
- The Okuto Aquarium is the main tourist attraction there and is well known both in Japan and abroad.
- Gang Orca is the director of the Aquarium and is where the battle is taking place.
- He’s trying hard to mitigate Nomu’s attacks.
- We also see Moonfish, the tooth Villain who got defeated by Tokoyami during the forest training camp.
- He is dressed differently and is giving the heroes a hard time.
- Sirius asks Tsuyu is she is alright and she confirms to that.
- But she also says that Deku and Ochako were separated from the rest of the group after the last blow!
- Ochako asks what Aizawa answered and Deku says that he’ll have to go to U.A. on his own.
- But Toga appears and tries to cut him off. She asks him not to leave because she loves him and Deku can’t understand why the danger sense didn’t activate even when a knife was coming his way?
- He then recall why the danger sense didn’t activate.
- He asks Toga what she wants from him and she replies that she would like him to become her Boyfriend.
- Deku then finally understands that she hurts other people out of pure sense of admiration and love, so the danger sense doesn’t sense anything.
My Hero Academia is not on a break this week. Hence, the Spoilers will be released on time.
MHA Chapter 347 Spoilers will be released next week.
I’ll update this page with the latest updates as soon as the Spoilers start to arrive!