Will Luffy Die Like Roger In One Piece?
If there’s one speculation that has been continuing since the beginning of One Piece is this one: “Will Luffy die like Roger?” While there are countless theories about this, a majority of them are too far-fetched.
In this post, I’ll try to speculate whether Luffy will die at end of the manga. Or Oda has a different story planned!
With this, let’s begin:
Will Luffy Die Like Roger?
Whenever there’s question about Luffy’s death, this question is what most of us think about. Though it may seem quite obvious, but One Piece creator (Oda) will not repeat an event twice in the manga.
So, in short Luffy will not die like Roger.
Luffy revealed his end dream to the Straw Hat crew in chapter 1060. Of course his dream wasn’t revealed to us, but everyone at the ship were shocked and burst to laughter. Am I suspecting a similar dream like Whitebeard?

Fortunately Luffy revealed Sabo’s dream: To explore the world and write a book about it!
Maybe Luffy’s dream is to be the Hero of Sabo’s book! Who knows maybe the One Piece we are reading and watching every week is just a person narrating Sabo’s book?
Wild Theory!
Do Gears Decrease Luffy’s Life Span?
This is a major issue with Luffy’s use of special ability. Using Gears decreases Luffy’s life span! This was revealed when he unleashed Gear 2. Every time he unleashes a Gear, his life span decrease a bit. How much? We don’t know…but it’s not too much, or else he would have died a long time ago.
On the other hand, Luffy’s life span also decreased by half when recovered from lethal poisoning. Who knows how much time he has got to live?

In one of his past interview Oda revealed that One Piece characters had long life span. Easily close to 150ish! If that’s the case, then Luffy probably has 50-60 years left to live. Which is more than enough for the story to complete.
Luffy has finally unleashed Gear 5 and I feel this is his final Gear! Of course the power he can draw while on Gear 5th is insane, but how much life did this new technique suck out of him?
He May Completely Disappear From The World
The final theory is that Luffy may completely disappear from the world. Unlike Roger who handed himself over to the Marine, Luffy might disband the Straw Hat Pirates and just disappear from the world.
Even his crew wouldn’t be able to find him! This theory might not seem accurate for someone who doesn’t have time to waste and just want to live intensely, but when it comes to maturity, Luffy is surprisingly active.
Luffy is intense. And this intensity has pushed him to become a world-renowned Pirate within a few years.
Do let me know what you think about this speculation?
So, in conclusion Oda has not provided any hint about Luffy’s death. Yeah, but according to chapters after the Wano Arc it seems that Luffy has probably a similar dream to Whitebeard.