My Hero Academia Chapter 313 Spoilers Leaks
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My Hero Academia Chapter 313 Spoilers Leaks

The “Mysterious Lady” became the center of attraction when she was revealed back in Chapter 297. Everywhere, from Twitter to Facebook to Reddit, wherever you saw any new update, it was related to this “Mysterious Lady.” Now, finally after so many chapters, her name and past connection is revealed. Her name is Lady Nagant. Chapter…

The Saint’s Magic Power Is Omnipotent Episode 8 Release & Discussion
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The Saint’s Magic Power Is Omnipotent Episode 8 Release & Discussion

When the trailer of “The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent” came out, expectations were not too high. But, it seems this anime series is going to be a sleeper-hit of this season. There are many isekai out there with plot that are either good or complete garbage, but very rare with a fantastic plot. I…